You did not come here to be a spiritual being.
You did not come here to be a spiritual being.
You already have access to all the mysteries and all knowledge. You are already connected to the infinite, the Divine, the whole perfection of Source.
Your soul is already perfect.
But you did not come here for that. You came to Earth for something else.
You came to Earth not to live as a spiritual being, but as an Embodied one.
You made the choice, long before you were born, to actualize your consciousness into a body on this beautiful, unique planet. You chose to gift yourself the experience of a lifetime on Earth, in this beautiful, unique body. You chose to embody a new form, born as a soft and tender animal, and explore this physical plane through your beautiful, unique life.
So why aren’t you living fully in your body?
I promise, you’re not alone. Most other humans aren’t fully embodied, either.
Most people are living their lives checked out of their bodies. Maybe they’re up in their head all the time, maybe they’re using spiritual practice as an escape from Earthly life, maybe they use crutches like Netflix, food, alcohol, sex, drugs, shopping, social media, being busy, their careers, the news, drama—anything to avoid being fully present within their own bodies. Anything to dilute and distract themselves.
I get it. I didn’t fully land in my Earth body until my early 20s. But I’ll tell you that story another time.
You might be wondering, “So? What’s the problem? Earth is hard. My life is busy. Why should I care about being Embodied?”
Oh, my dear human friend, you can’t afford NOT to care. None of us can.
You see, common understanding (and societal conditioning) tells us that human bodies are machines to be exercised and fed according to numbers and formulas. It tells us that bodies are prone to sickness and need medications to be normal. It tells us that we need to cover them up with fashionable items and that some bodies are more attractive and worthy than others. It tells us that our bodies are primitive—merely houses for the true power of the mind, heart and soul. Common understanding would have us believe that the body is the least important, least powerful aspect of our existence.
All of this could not be farther from the truth.
Friend, your body is a miracle. Your body is a perfect child of Earth. Your body is a powerful, magical animal that holds all the power and wisdom of Gaia within each cell.
Living fully in your body is the key to your own liberation.
Fully inhabiting your body will give you more power, life force, vitality, trust, creativity and pleasure than you ever imagined.
What would be possible for you if you had full, uninhibited access to expressing the most wild, free, untamed, powerful parts of yourself? What would be different in your life, in the lives of your loved ones, and in the world if you were to embody your own, wild nature?
Are you ready to join me in the Embody Wild™ movement? Apply here
Many blessings,