Do you have a dysregulated nervous system? Then you need this.
If you want to heal a dysregulated nervous system, trauma, anxiety, chronic stress or insomnia, and you’re not working with land and nature spirits, you’re missing out on essential support in your healing journey.
One of my favorite books that discusses the detrimental effects of chronic nervous system dysregulation is Why Zebras Don’t Get Ulcers, by Robert Sapolsky. I’ll give you the quick summary: Humans experience cumulative worry, stress and rumination that come from living in a world of human ego BS and systems of oppression. When we don’t resolve conflict or fully process the stressor (like a zebra would run away from a lion, shake it off and go back to grazing), the chronic nervous system arousal and physiological stress response manifest as slow accumulation of damage in the physical and mental bodies, leading to heart disease, cancer, depression, etc.
Land and nature spirits can help teach us how to respond to stressors in a healthy way. Stressors are an inevitable part of living in the world, but we can manage them without detrimental effects if we know how to process them out of our systems. Let’s look at the stressor of a zebra encountering a lion (this model is based on The Power of the Herd, by Linda Kohanov):
Feel the stressor (see/sense the lion). Fully experience the stressor and allow it to move through the body, activating the physiological stress response.
Receive the message behind the stressor (my life is in danger).
Change something in response to the message and return to a place of safety (run away).
Release the stressor and move on (shake it off and go back to grazing).
The time it takes to move through those four steps varies in every situation, but ideally, we move through the whole cycle and release the stressor. However, many humans get stuck at any of those four steps, which leads to chronic nervous system dysregulation. Stressors can get stuck in people as:
Suppressors/stuffers: People who value logic over feeling and suppress emotions before they arise, creating stagnation in the body and building toward a “rock bottom/red flag” moment, or people who are already dysregulated, avoidant or otherwise dissociative, and are numb to the stressor in the first place.
Expressers: People who sit in the feeling space without getting the message behind emotion, drama kings and queens, people who continually emote without learning from the experience, leading to energy burnout and nervous system fatigue.
Sufferers: People who never act out of fear, perceived obstacles, judgement, and never change their circumstances in response to stressor messages, living in a state of paralysis and possibly perpetual victimhood.
Grudge-holders: People who hold onto stressors even after the danger/threat has passed, creating chronic stress and disease in the body.
Collaborating with land and nature spirits can support healthy nervous system regulation, mental health and emotional peace, healthy sleep and organ function, and recovery from stress and trauma. Here are some of the reasons why land and nature spirit allies are essential support for nervous system healing:
Being connected with local land spirits, living temples and ley lines helps you feel more grounded, resourced and regulated. Your nervous system can “blueprint” off of the Earth grid and currents of energy to create more flow, release stagnation and bring more healthy energy into your system.
Grounding and connecting into Gaia through local land spirits can help you feel supported and protected, which will make it easier to safely open yourself to feeling and sensitivity. When we’re holding trauma or nervous system activation in our bodies, we often shut down sensation and body/emotional awareness as a safeguard. While this is a temporarily protective mechanism, it’s not healthy long-term. When we feel safe enough to let ourselves feel, we can process and release the feelings.
When we open ourselves to connect with nature spirits, we often receive wisdom and messages that are helpful for our journeys. If you’re processing heavy emotions and grief, Hawthorn can support you with heart healing. If you’re feeling overwhelmed by the shadow, Owl can help you see clearly in the darkness. If you’re struggling in your relationships, Beaver can help you anchor into family and community while maintaining healthy boundaries. Having strong allyships with nature spirits allows us to ask for support from their wisdom and expertise.
Land and nature spirits help us move out of overwhelm, paralysis or frenzy, into aligned and sustainable action. If you experience dysregulation as hyperactivity, franticness, mania or you can’t sit still, land and nature spirits will help you slow down to the speed of Earth and regulate yourself to healthy, sustainable cycles of movement. If you experience dysregulation as lethargy, fatigue, paralysis or fear to take action, land and nature spirits will help you create momentum and movement of energy that feels supported and aligned. Land and nature spirits are adaptogenic allies.
Land and nature spirits help us de-center the Self and connect to the web of life all around us. When we remember the part that we play in the grand symphony of aliveness, it can recontextualize our experience, remind us of our belonging, encourage empathy and compassion, and evoke forgiveness and gratitude.
Do you want to…
…create a functionally purposeful allyship with Gaia to support your healing journey?
…work with the powerful energy of local sacred sites and natural temples on the land where you live?
…receive guidance and support from your nature spirit allies for the purpose of healing and transformation?
…attune and regulate your nervous system to the healthy, thriving energy grid of Gaia?