2 Dogs and My Faith in Humanity
I recently had profound encounters with two different dogs that broke and then renewed my faith in humanity.
But first, here’s a little Alchemical teaching to set up the story:
“Taking inspired action opens doors for our prayers to be answered.”
This is a teaching I recently shared with my I AM Alchemy apprentices during our first retreat of the year-long course.
This is the key that helps us move beyond a passive relationship with manifestation into an active, collaborative and co-creative relationship with Spirit. Here’s a little story that illustrates this principle:
There is a massive flood and a man is trapped in his house. He makes it to the roof of his house where he prays to God to save him. A few minutes later, a boat comes by, and the people in the boat invite him in. The man on the roof says, “No thank you, God will save me.” A few minutes later, a helicopter flies overhead and they offer to pull him up. Again, the man says, “No thank you, God will save me.” After that, the man drowns, and when he comes face to face with God, he accuses God for not saving him. God replies, “I sent you a boat and a helicopter!”
This is a cute little story but let’s return to that original teaching, and then I’ll tell you a story of how I recently experienced this in my life, with the help of a leash and a dog.
“Taking inspired action opens doors for our prayers to be answered.”
Let’s break it down into these four parts:
Taking Inspired Action
Opens Doors
Answered [Prayers]
…We’ll start with #3: Prayers.
What’s the difference between a Prayer and an Intention?
An intention can be a statement or a goal of qualities, feeling, sensation, or experience that we would like to actualize or bring about in our lives.
A prayer is a specific and personal appeal requesting support from Spirit and divine beings, asking for help to actualize or bring about qualities, feeling, sensation, or experience in our lives.
Prayer = Intention + Asking for help from Spirit
Intentions are great. They help us with mindset, affirmations, rewiring our thought patterns. But asking for divine intervention to support us in that adds another layer of power and alignment.
#1: Taking Inspired Action
Notice I don’t say “taking action, any old action.” It’s specifically inspired action. You probably recognize the root of that word—spirit. The word inspire originally came from the idea of “breathing life into (someone or something), as from a divine being or spirit.”
That means that when it comes to our prayers, we must act from a place of inviting Spirit to come breathe life into our choices and behaviors. We act while surrendering to divine intelligence and the architecture of creation that comes to life through us, and collaborating with that force.
#2: Open Doors
Aliveness is always flowing. Nature is in constant spiraling, shifting, transforming. Energy gets stuck in stagnation. Spirit has a heck of a lot harder time helping us if we’re just sitting around on our butts, no matter how hard we pray. When we take our prayers out into the world and live them into being through inspired action, it creates opportunities for synchronicity and alignment. It creates openings for Spirit to conspire in our favor. Inspired action opens doors.
#4: Answered Prayers
This is actually one of the hardest parts, and not in the way you think. This part is about receiving—are you actually open to receiving the answer to your prayers? Are you actually able to let it in and fundamentally change you? Are you actually open to receiving that much love, care, nourishment? Letting the answers to our prayers come to their full fruition is the actualization of transformation. It can be deeply confronting and unsettling, and requires its own kind of courage. This point deserves its own article.
And now, here’s the story with the dogs.
This story has a sad beginning but a happy ending, and a great teaching. (Be forewarned.)
I recently moved out to some sacred, forested land just outside of Portland, OR. I was walking my dog, Athena, on a beautiful game trail through the forest that we had walked on many times, when I saw something I had definitely walked by but never noticed before.
I saw a chewed-through leash tied to a log on the edge of a forest, well away from a rural fire lane road. (In case you need a translation: someone tied their dog up out in the country and left it there, away from a road where no one would see it.)
My heart sank. I picked up the end of the leash and examined it. I have had dogs for my whole life—I know a chewed-through leash when I see one. As my eyes brimmed with tears, my thoughts raced. How could somebody do that? How long had this leash been here? The leash was dirty and faded on one side, so probably quite a while. How could somebody do that? How had I never noticed it before? The dog chewed itself free, maybe it was okay or had gotten picked up. How could somebody do that?
Athena, concerned by my distress, came over to examine the leash as well, and I hugged her and cried. I told her, “I will never leave you. I will never abandon you. You are mine, and I am yours. You are always safe with me.” We walked home, and I overflowed with disappointment in humanity.
That afternoon, Athena and I drove to the local dog park—a massive plot of land with forest, river beaches and open fields, plus miles of hiking trails. I reflected on my ruptured faith in humanity and asked Spirit to please help me understand. “I want to remember the goodness and kindness of people.”
On our way home, as we rounded a corner, I saw a dog standing in front of a house, almost in the road. I pulled around her in time, but saw her in my rear view mirror as she almost got hit by the car behind me. I quickly flipped a U-turn and circled back to her.
There are plenty of dogs running loose out in the country, but you can tell they are comfortable with it. They know where their house is, they know about cars and they look relaxed. This dog did not look like that, and as I pulled my car over near her, she ran towards my car and I almost hit her. She definitely needed help.
As I got out of the car, she did the “Thank you I love you I’m nervous I’m happy to see you please help me I’m scared are you my friend” dance and tried to hide between my legs. She had a collar but no tag. It was after 7pm, so any vet office who could scan for a microchip was closed. I leashed her and knocked on doors in the area, but the only person who answered said, “I think she lives there,” and gestured to a house where I had already knocked.
I left a note on the door of that house, prayed that everyone would get along in a confined space, put the dog in the back of my car with Athena (thankfully, both dogs were very well behaved and respectful), and took her home with me.
When we got home, she and Athena played a bit in the backyard, had dinner and snuggled down on the couch. Her dad called me a few hours later, thanked me profusely and I delivered my sweet guest back to her human.
The following morning, I woke up feeling so happy that I had been able to help this dog be safe and make it home. She was such a sweet pup, everything had gone smoothly and everything had ended in a best case scenario.
And then I walked with Athena by that same chewed-through leash, and it hit me:
I answered my own prayer to restore my faith in humanity by helping that dog.
In the course of one day, I had seen something so very sad, suffered extreme disappointment, wondered how anyone could do something like that, and lost some faith in humanity. Then I was immediately presented with an opportunity to act in an inspired way according to the kindness I wished to see in people, and I was able to make a positive difference in the world, and in the life of that dog.
“Taking inspired action opens doors for our prayers to be answered.”
Prayer: I am asking Spirit to please help restore my faith in the kindness and generosity of humanity.
Inspired Action: I took the dog home with me so she would be safe while I found her human.
Open Door: I had a good experience with the dog, she was safe and I returned her to her grateful human.
Answered Prayer: My faith in humanity is restored because I know that I am not the only person doing things like that, and I am reminded that there are so many people choosing to make a positive difference in the world and in the lives of others every day.
So, friend, I ask you…
What are your prayers?
What inspired actions are you taking?
What doors are opening for you?
How are your prayers being answered?
…Do you want some help with that?
Hi! I’m Michelle Hawk— Shaman, Alchemist, master healer and spiritual mentor. I’ve been studying and practicing Shamanism and other forms of healing work and spiritual practice since 2003.
I am opening spaces for new clients to come into 1:1 mentorship work with me!
***There are no prerequisites for working 1:1 with me. I work with advanced practitioners who have years of training and study and want personal support for themselves and their work. I work with new and aspiring healers and practitioners who want support in foundational skill development and processing their awakening. I work with spiritual seekers who are not practitioners and want powerful tools for their own healing and transformation.***
This work is for you if:
You’ve been studying energy healing or various modalities for a long time but it feels like something’s missing.
You have taken lots of online classes, read lots of books and want practical, personal support that goes beyond a generic “Spiritual 101” curriculum.
You are committed to your personal growth and development. You want practical spiritual tools in your personal tool kit that are more than guided meditations.
You are going through a big life transformation and you want practical support to help you process, stay grounded and feel present through the transition.
You are going through a deep personal healing journey.
You want to reconcile ancestral and karmic wounds in order to heal and clear karma and rewrite soul contracts and patterns.
You want support with soul retrieval, integrating the wisdom and lessons of past lives and coming into full expression of your Higher Self knowing.
You want support from a grounded spiritual mentor who has been on this path for a long time, who can help you see what you might be missing and give you specific tools, teachings and guidance that is aligned for you as you grow and transform.
If any of this sounds like you, I invite you to step into 1:1 Transformational Mentorship with me.
Our sessions together may include some combination of the following:
Shamanic and energy healing work.
Teaching and instruction about specific principles and tools of spiritual practice from Shamanism, Alchemy, and other lineages.
Shamanic journeying, intuitive and mediumship practice to connect with the spirits for guidance and healing.
Personal ritual or ceremony.
Learning and practicing embodiment and movement work, consciousness practices, energetic techniques.
Personal guidance, processing, support and reflection.
Working with your spiritual business or soul-aligned practice (designing your new program, making a retreat budget, updating your website and your intake forms).
With Transformational Mentorship you get me in your corner for 6 months of personal support. Check out all the details here, and when you’re ready, book a call with me to discuss if this work is the right fit for you!
You can also book an in-person 1:1 retreat with me at my temple home on sacred forested land just outside of Portland, OR! Book a call with me to discuss your personal retreat.
If you’re ready to take inspired action on your healing and transformation journey…
If you’re reading this email and thinking “Yes, that’s me”…
If you want me in your corner for personal support and guidance…
Use this link to put yourself on my calendar.
I look forward to speaking with you soon!
Many blessings,