Welcome to the Practical Mystery School
In this 12-month transformational journey, master the mystery school teachings and practical spiritual skills that empower you to heal your own body, mind and spirit, awaken your deepest gifts and confidently facilitate transformation for others.
Dear fellow Seeker,
I see you. I see the power of your heart. I see the sacred vision you have for your life and for the world. I see your commitment to your spiritual journey, your courage and your resolve to be a part of the positive collective shift on the planet. I see your sincerity.
I also see your frustration. I see that you desire to be connected to something bigger than yourself. I see how much it hurts you to have your life not reflect the truth of your soul. I see the moments when you feel overwhelmed, helpless and like you would give anything to be able to live the truth of your Divine purpose and higher service.
I see that you have tried other types of spiritual practice and are ready for something deeper. I see that you are bored with bland workshops on mindset and manifestation. I see that you are fed up with spiritual bypassing.
I see that you want practical, grounded spiritual teachings that you can apply immediately to your life.
I see that you are ready to study the mystery, practice transformation and actualize your radiance.
Who is I AM Alchemy for?
You are a Seeker. You have already come into your Spiritual Awakening. You have a personal energetic/meditation practice, and awareness of your energy field.
You desire to connect with a community of like-hearted seekers who are living their lives according to love, purpose, alignment and integrity. You are ready to belong.
You are ready to trust yourself completely, and to feel fully confident in your ability to work with practical spiritual tools.
You’ve already had some foundational training in a Spiritual or energetic modality, but you’re ready for more advanced techniques for magic and transformation.
You know that, at your core, you are powerful, capable and have an incredible gift to offer the world. You are ready to fully express your power and your gifts.
You are fed up with surface-level personal development techniques and want practical tools based in universal law.
You know that the “traditional” path is not for you. You know that you are here on Earth to live as a devotee of Truth and a student of the Great Mystery.
You know that you are part of a global shift in consciousness and you are ready to embody a new way of being on Earth.
You feel a soul calling, a recognition and a resonance with Alchemy.
You know that you are here to be a student of the Mysteries, for the benefit of all beings.
You are ready to become an apprentice of this practical mystery school in order to truly master the process of transformation, for yourself and for the world.
Meet Your Guide
I’m Michelle Hawk: Shaman, Alchemist, Spiritual Mentor, Master Healer.
From a young age, I felt a strong pull towards the spiritual realm. I began studying and practicing Shamanism at 15 years old, and my passion for understanding both the scientific and energetic aspects of life flourished. I became an energy healing Master Teacher while simultaneously earning my degree in biology, feeling as though I was exploring two sides of the same cosmic truth.
Despite my extensive knowledge and energy healing practices, I found myself struggling during my mid-20s. I experienced what many call the Dark Night of the Soul—a period of intense spiritual crisis. Despite having more tools than most, I felt lost, anxious, and as though something was missing.
Everything changed when I began working with Alchemy. This ancient practice transformed my life, allowing me to:
Take concrete, empowered action based on the science and practice of how transformation actually works.
Apply my extensive spiritual skill set according to the ancient wisdom of Alchemy, which made all my tools more effective.
Surrender to change with peace and grace, rather than anxiety and avoidance, because I knew and trusted the process.
Mastering Alchemy helped me trust myself more than ever before. It gave me the tools to confidently create my life according to my soul's blueprint and sacred vision. This journey led me to develop the mystery school of I AM Alchemy, which has initiated incredible expansion, alignment, confidence, abundance, and joyful purpose—not just for me, but for all of my apprentices.
Now, I'm here to share these transformative tools with you. If you feel a soul calling to Alchemy, I want to empower you with the same practical techniques for transformation and creation. Together, we'll unlock your ability to work true magic in your life and in the world.
Through my work with hundreds of clients, I've discovered a powerful truth: When we Study the Mystery and Practice Transformation, we Actualize our full Radiance.
Are you ready to embark on this alchemical journey and unlock your true potential? Let's begin this transformative adventure together.
The I AM Alchemy Method
5 Keys for Transformation: Ancient wisdom, spiritual technology and practical techniques unite to create holistic transformation.
I AM Alchemy provides a complete system of wisdom teachings and practices for physical, mental/emotional and spiritual transformation.
This course is a profound transformational crucible, crafted over two decades of multidisciplinary study of energy medicine, Shamanic healing and transformation practices, somatic and movement techniques, energetic mastery and mediumship, transformational facilitation, ceremonial practice and more.
This is a holistic journey for transformation on every level.
This course is especially crafted for healers, practitioners and guides who desire an in-depth study and practical application of transformational spiritual skill development. (Past apprentices have described this course as “spiritual grad school.”)
The 5 Transformational Keys of I AM Alchemy
In this course, you’ll learn and embody 5 transformational keys that will help you truly transform yourself and others.
Key 1: Alchemy Fundamentals
Master the Cycle of Transformation and practical application of spiritual technology.
Study Alchemy teachings on body, mind, heart and spirit transformation.
Learn practices and ancient wisdom foundationed in Universal Law.
Explore Alchemical teachings and practice for your personal constitution, and learn how to calibrate Alchemical healing to offer to others.
Key 2: Alchemy of Self
Walk the 12 Pathways of Initiation to Mastery.
Use Alchemy to liberate trauma, dis-ease and stagnation.
Bring Alchemy mystery school teachings to your health, relationships, home, career and creative expression to transform on every level.
Come home to yourself and your sacred purpose with Alchemy wisdom teachings.
Key 3: Embody Alchemy
Fully ground high-vibration Alchemical transformation practice into the physical plane.
Bring Alchemy into your body and Earthly experience through movement practice, intuitive embodiment, qigong, breathwork and somatic cultivation.
Gain a complete somatic toolkit to create healing for yourself and your clients.
Use these techniques with energy work and consciousness practices to provide transformational experiences in 1:1 and group healing settings.
Key 4: Spiritual Collaboration
Cultivate powerful, working relationships with Divine beings of Alchemical wisdom.
Receive direct initiations and transmissions from spirit-side guides and teachers of the Alchemy wisdom tradition, and the I AM Alchemy mystery school.
Work directly with Spirit to translate cosmic and etheric forces into the material plane.
Develop your intuitive practice to channel forces of Alchemical creation and transformation into your life and practice.
Key 5: Practical Magic
Master the process of ritual and sacred ceremony. Prepare and design meaningful ritual experiences according to Alchemical correspondences.
Use your Alchemical knowledge to assess transformational and healing needs. Master the practical application of spiritual technology for healing and transformation on every level.
Cultivate your facilitation skills to create powerful transformational portals for yourself and your clients, in 1:1 or group settings.
What is possible with I AM Alchemy?
Do you want to…
…go from feeling like you’re living at the whims of change, to intentionally choosing your own path of transformation and creation?
…have a roadmap to guide you through the hardest transformational moments of your life?
…learn tools and practices that will immediately and noticeably enhance your vitality, health, energy and well-being?
…know without a shadow of a doubt that you are living your life “on purpose?”
…commune with Spirit through this ancient and powerful lineage?
…use these powerful tools to support your loved ones, community and clients in their journey of transformation and actualization?
…feeling empowered and confident instead of shaken and afraid the next time life hits the fan.
…trusting yourself completely to navigate loss, grief, anger and heartache.
…being able to work consciously with your own energy for the purpose of grounding, clarity, vitality and health.
…feeling certain that you are living your life according to the Divine Directive, the blueprint of your Soul Essence.
…knowing that you have something powerful to offer, that you are loved beyond measure and that you are living your life in right alignment.
…leading the way and supporting those around you with even more love, power and skill than ever before.
Through our I AM Alchemy work, you will:
Study the Mystery: Learn the philosophy, principles and practice of Alchemy from an accessible, grounded perspective.
Practice Transformation: Receive profound training in practical applications of spiritual techniques, ritual, magic and ceremony that will have a material, measurable effect on your life, your practice and your world through creating your reality and actualizing your intention.
Actualize your Radiance: Fully embody and express your Highest Self (your I AM Presence, your true Divine nature).
Become a spiritual practitioner capable of setting effective intentions, changing structures, altering reality and shifting the blueprint of your life and of the world.
Discover techniques to bring greater power and depth to your personal and/or professional healing practice.
Participate in practicum by facilitating Alchemical experiences for your fellow I AM Alchemy apprentices during the course.
Receive certification as an I AM Alchemy practitioner.
The Journey of I AM Alchemy
What is included in the I AM Alchemy course?
39 I AM Alchemy training modules, including spiritual teachings, and energetic and movement practices (available to you in perpetuity, see Curriculum below).
4 in-person retreats throughout the year.
12 private sessions with Michelle (1 per month) for mentorship, healing work and individual training.
24 live group calls for additional training, discussion and mentorship (2 per month for 12 months).
All Embody Alchemy training videos and movement practice library available to you in perpetuity.
I AM Alchemy textbook and course materials available to you in perpetuity.
Private digital community for sharing experiences and furthering connections with the group.
Special guest speakers and facilitators to expand your study of Alchemy.
An intimate, carefully curated cohort of fellow Alchemy students and apprentices on the path.
Peer community and mentorship: connect with past I AM Alchemy students and receive support from a course graduate.
Practicum sessions to demonstrate your mastery.
Special gifts and bonuses from Michelle Hawk throughout the year.
Certification as an I AM Alchemy practitioner.
Course Tuition
$497 non-refundable deposit due upon acceptance into I AM Alchemy, plus EITHER:
Pay in full: remainder of $9,000 (total $9,497, due by March 1, 2025)
Twelve payments of $797 (due on the 1st of every month, beginning in March 2025)
Apprentices attend I AM Alchemy retreats near Portland, OR for in-person training and community magic. Retreats include a significant portion of training and experiential education and are required for certification as an I AM Alchemy practitioner. Retreat lodging, meals, transportation and other costs are not included in tuition. (Estimated $600-800 per person food and lodging costs per retreat.)
I AM Alchemy Retreat Dates
Retreat #3: Awakening the Alchemist
November 2025
Receive a 7th dimension DNA activation and attune to the unique frequency of your Divine expression.
Retreat #1: Igniting the Spark
April 2025
Begin your magical education by surrendering your old Self and invoke your sacred guidance for this journey.
Closing and Graduation Ceremony
March 2026
Demonstrate your mastery with practicum, celebrate your accomplishment, integrate the teachings and receive initiation as a holder of the I AM Alchemy lineage.
Retreat #2: Illuminating the Vision
August 2025
Go on a sacred Vision Quest to access the knowledge of your higher self and return with guidance for your path.
The I AM Alchemy curriculum includes not only philosophy and theory of Alchemy and energetic dynamics, but also emphasizes practical tools of how to apply these principles in your life and in the world. Every module includes a teaching, an energy practice and integration practices. Many modules also include accompanying movement practices.
Death, Purification and Rebirth
Alchemical Constitution
The Three Essentials
The Four Elements and the Quintessence
The 7 Stages of Alchemy
Coagulation -
Alchemy in the Body
Alchemy of Trauma
Calculating Personal Alchemical Constitution
Emotional Alchemy
Ancestors and Lineage
Twelve Pathways of Initiation to Mastery
The Warrior
The Lover
The Child
The Nurturer
The Sovereign
The Priest/ess
The Beloved
The Magician
The Philosopher
The Wise Elder
The Visionary
The Healer -
Earth Alchemy and the Medicine Wheel
Ritual Design and Preparation
How to Work with the Lunar Cycle
Shamanic Astrology
Wisdom of the Planets
Wheel of the Year -
Cycles of Power and Creation
Prima Materia
The Doctrine of Correspondences
The Laws of Creation
The Emerald Tablet
Energetic Density and Translation -
Movement Practices
Somatic Awareness and Conscious Embodiment
The 5 Cosmic Keys
Energetic Clearing
Grounding and Stabilization
Vitality Cultivation
Energetic Protection and Boundaries
I AM Alchemy Calendar
Online Training and Calls
All training module materials are released on Sundays. You are responsible for reviewing the materials on your own time.
Live group calls will take place on Tuesdays, Thursdays or Saturdays. There are two group calls per month for 12 months. Calendar to come March 2025.
At the end of the year, Apprentices will receive certification as an I AM Alchemy practitioner. You will be empowered to use the skills and knowledge you acquire over the course of the year to create radical change in your life and the lives of those around you. You will be able to utilize practical Magic and the Alchemical process in your personal and professional life. You may add tools you learned from the I AM Alchemy curriculum to your current practice to amplify the results you already achieve.
Frequently Asked Questions
Alchemy, an ancient body of knowledge originating over 10,000 years ago, is not only the origin of all modern sciences but also a profoundly Spiritual practice. While popular understanding of Alchemy centers around the transmutation of lead into gold, this belies the core principle of Alchemical philosophy: in short, the transformation from Spiritual immaturity into enlightenment through harmonizing with Universal life force. In this course, we apply the principles of Alchemy in the context of personal actualization and empowerment in order to transform ourselves and our lives to embody a state of grace, harmony and freedom.
Apprentices are required to complete all course hours (including online classes, retreats, practicum classes and one on one sessions). There is a basic comprehension exam at the end of the course. Once you are certified, you are certified for life. You may apply and advertise your certification as you like. Failure to complete all course hours or the exam will result in no certification.
For graduates who choose to utilize this training as part of your professional practice, certification will give you the ability to share with others your level of dedication to the work and continued education. By achieving certification, you receive a tangible symbol of your commitment to self-mastery and devotion to your practice.
In-person retreats are required for certification. These portions of the course include fun and nourishing time in sacred space, hands-on training, invaluable education and group support time. Your lodging, meals, transportation and other costs are not included. Food and lodging arrangements are made on your behalf. Estimated $600-800 per person food and lodging costs per retreat. You are responsible for your own travel arrangements.
The in-person retreats are a vital portion of this training. If you are unable to commit to the retreats, you may still participate in the course but you will not receive certification until you have completed your retreat hours by attending the following year.
Outside of training and session hours, you can expect to invest about 2-4 hours per week over the course of the year. This includes personal practice, assignments and recommended reading.
Live classes will be recorded and uploaded into the online classroom portal. If you are unable to attend a live class, you must make up the time on your own.
I AM Alchemy curriculum is not accredited. Board accreditation inherently limits the freedom and flexibility of creating a course in practical applications of magic and their real-time relevance in an ever-changing world.
Possibly. Check with your certification board about requirements for credit hours. Michelle is happy to sign and support you in submitting appropriate documentation for you to receive credit toward maintaining your massage, acupuncture, nursing, counseling or other license.
$497 non-refundable deposit due upon acceptance into I AM Alchemy, plus EITHER:
Pay in full: remainder of $9,000 (total $9,497, due by March 1, 2025)
Twelve payments of $797 (due on the 1st of every month, beginning in March 2025)
Possibly. Michelle is happy to provide you with a receipt for all training expenses. Please check with your accountant for the best way to classify your I AM Alchemy tuition.
Upon acceptance into I AM Alchemy, you will receive a payment form. If you choose to pay in full, your deposit will process immediately and your remainder will process prior to the beginning of the course. If you choose to make monthly payments, you will be immediately billed for the deposit. Your monthly payments will deduct automatically every month. You are responsible for completing all remaining payments.
After paying your deposit, you may request a refund (minus $100 admin fee and minus payment software processing fees) within 48 hours. After that time period, there are no refunds for any reason whatsoever. If, after paying the deposit and after the 48 hour window, you should decide that you do not wish to keep your place in the I AM Alchemy course, you may apply your deposit funds to another program or course within 6 months. After that, those funds expire. After paying your course remainder or the first course payment, you are responsible for completing all remaining payments. There are no refunds for any reason whatsoever.