Reclaim the Shadow

I know I write a lot about Lightworkers and "light-oriented" topics, but don't get me wrong: I LOVE the Shadow. For my path, Shadow work has been a huge component of my learning. Underworld Initiation cycles, while ass-kicking, were some of my most powerful teachings in claiming my personal magic. When you walk the Shaman path, you agree to walk through the Shadow. My initiations through the Underworld revealed to me some of the most empowering lessons on sovereignty, personal power, boundaries, and embodiment of my own Divine Directive that I could have ever hoped for.

Human history is rife with tales about Underworld Initiations: rites of passage through the darkness that bring us into our fullest, most empowered potential. Part of the Shamanic path includes something commonly known as Dark Night of the Soul: an initiation cycle through our own Shadow. In order to master the Self and come into right relation with the Light, we need to come into right relation with our Shadow.

Shadow work is not for the feint of heart, but there is magic and power there that can't be found anywhere else. Without Shadow, there is no Light. Embracing the full spectrum of energy is the key to claiming our full power. "Light=good and Shadow=bad" is overly simplistic and simply untrue: Shadow is full of richness, nuance, subtlety, power and life force. Limiting ourselves to one end of the spectrum is the energetic equivalent of only ever eating dessert. Light and Shadow are part of the same whole. They're not even two sides of a coin (again, overly simplistic): they're vitally necessary polarities that offer us an entire spectrum of energy for the in-between.

Dear Lightworker, your Shadow holds the key to your illumination.

The Shadow is the realm of that which is unseen and unintegrated--the parts of our Selves that we are ultimately here to process, heal and claim in this lifetime. Ignoring your Shadow is ignoring your own greatest potential.

Your Shadow holds wisdom that you can't find anywhere else. Your Shadow is the key to your wholeness. Your Shadow is here to support you in your glorious unfolding.

Humans have demonized the Shadow for eons because we don't understand it. We create fear and stigma about the darkness, call it evil and punish people for working with unseen forces.

Well, that time is long past over. In order to move forward as a global community, we need to embrace the Shadow. And for our part, in order to be effective as Lightworkers, we must embrace the Shadow as a valued teacher and Sacred Ally. This is the path of true Alchemy: bringing the unseen into the known realm, moving the unintegrated parts of Self through healing and transformation and into full illumination.

Let's tune in to the frequencies and reclaim the Shadow.

What is your Shadow asking of you?

What initiation into your Shadow are you facing at this time? What medicine waits for you there? How can you reclaim and love your Shadow, and in doing so, pave the way for others to heal?

Are you ready to step into your own cycles of initiation and claim your personal magic?

If so, Applications for I AM Alchemy are now open. Calling all Lightworkers! Whether you are an existing or aspiring practitioner, healer or coach, or whether you want to spend 12 months walking the Alchemist path as part of your personal journey of Self Mastery... if you want to bring practical application of real-time magic and alignment with Universal forces of creation to your life, I AM Alchemy is for you.

Are you ready to go from being "just another healer" to a Fully Empowered Master of Transformation?

Apply now for
I AM Alchemy 2020!

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Though I walk through the valley of the Shadow of Death, I will fear no evil...
...because there is no evil in the Shadow, only the unseen.
...because the Shadow, just like the Light, works in service to Love.
...because Death and the Shadow are our Sacred Allies, to be honored and respected, not feared and demonized.
...because the Shadow is our birthright and the key to our Illumination.

