Creating a strong relationship with a spirit ally takes time, devotion and care. There is a misconception that, as shamanic practitioners, we can call upon whatever spirits we want to in session and they will show up and do whatever we want them to. But if there is not an existing relationship or energetic connection, there is not a true allyship. This spirit must consent to sharing their medicine with us, and we must be initiated into their wisdom.
Shamanic practice without consent is colonization. Drawing power from the Earth and nature spirits without their consent and without an active, working relationship is extractive and consumptive. The planet is full of people who show up to take, because they think they are entitled to the abundant life and generosity of Gaia.
Animistic practices like shamanism, witchcraft and mediumship are rooted in energy exchange, respect and honoring life, and relationship. A practitioner trying to form a relationship with land and nature spirits makes offerings, asks permission to form a connection with them, and treats them as honored allies. Collaborating with the land and nature spirits is never assumed. Allyships with medicines and spirits are cultivated over many years, and that relationship is what allows a practitioner to draw upon that power.
When you establish consent with the land and nature spirits, you can study with them and form a working relationship. It is impossible to receive the medicine of a nature spirit unless it offers to share its power with you, and that only comes through asking consent and honoring the answer, yes or no.
When you have healthy relationships with the land and nature spirits, you can call upon them and collaborate with their medicine for the purpose of healing and ceremony.
Do you want to…
…create functionally purposeful allyships with local nature spirits to support your spiritual practice?
…build lifelong partnerships with powerful natural allies and receive deep initiations into their mysteries?
…confidently invoke the nature spirits during your meditation or ceremonial practice?
Sacred Ecology begins July 26.
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