Saint Michael Feast Day: Sept 29
I'm a firm believer that any day is a good day to make an offering, anytime is a good time to pray, and it doesn't really matter what you say as long as it is true and sincere.
That being said, working with the specific frequencies of your guides can be particularly helpful to honor them, attune to their wisdom and most effectively receive their medicine.
For example, if you were to pray with Deer spirit, making an offering of meat and requesting support with cultivating courage and fierce boundaries would not be in alignment with the wisdom path of Deer. Your prayer would still be heard, but it might be answered by another guide, or in a way you didn't expect, or less efficiently.
If you were to pray with Deer spirit, make an offering of flowers and greenery, and request support for attuning to your higher guidance and divine wisdom, and receiving subtle communication with spirits in the liminal spaces, that prayer and offering would be very aligned with Deer wisdom path.
When making prayers and offerings to your guides, it's a good idea to consider the nature of their wisdom path, any important correspondences (colors, foods, items, songs, things they like) and days or times of year when they are most powerful.
Let's look at an example:
Saint Michael's feast day is approaching. He is one of my patron guides. Do you also work with Archangel Michael?
Here are some ways to connect with this powerful energy.
Archangel Michael
Feast day: September 29
Color: blue
Stones: sapphire, blue topaz, kyanite
Energy: Divine Protector, Peaceful Warrior, Defender of Faith, "Who Is as God."
Wisdom Path: Guardian of the Blue Ray (the First Ray, the beginning of creation that emanates from the Void), Bearer of the Sapphire Flame, Keeper of the Sapphire Temple.
Here is a prayer to connect with Saint Michael:
"Archangel Michael, I invite you to please be with me now. Please support me in aligning with truth, integrity, faith, devotion, fidelity and righteousness. Please help me to calibrate my personal will to Divine Will, so that I may know and act in right alignment with Divine Will. I ask for your support to help me be courageous, to help me live as a Peaceful Warrior of the Light. Please help me to live by and uphold the Laws of Love in my life, for the highest and greatest good, for the benefit of all beings, everywhere.
Thank you, thank you, thank you for the blessings."
I hope this supports you in connecting with your guides more powerfully!
If you would like to join me for a special Saint Michael Feast Day Ceremony next weekend, please join my list for invitations and event notifications.