
Soul on Fire

What sets your soul on fire?

As creators, we know that participating in the creative process requires a massive amount of energy to get a project, idea or brainchild off the ground. We are quite literally bringing a new entity to the world with a life force and a purpose all its own, and until that brainchild has enough energy and momentum to sustain itself, it survives by borrowing life force from its creator.

What do our creations ask of us in order to fully actualize?

I consulted the Sacred Creators Oracle. The card that came up immediately caught my attention:


"Be fearless in the pursuit of what sets your soul on fire," was one of the messages.

Have you ever read an oracle card description that feels like it's you talking to yourself? That's exactly how this felt: the words, language and messages were the same as my own ponderings and the questions I ask myself.

Right now, the creation that is asking the most of me is I AM Alchemy. This course spent about four years as an evolving and expanding set of ideas and philosophy before it was born last year as an intensive training. As we head into the second iteration of I AM Alchemy, there is definitely more momentum and infrastructure, but the creation process is not without its growing pains.

Every day as I shepherd this project into greater degrees of its unfolding, I have the opportunity to practice being fearless in pursuit of bringing to life that which sets my soul on fire... or rather, showing up even in the face of fear.

Because I AM Alchemy truly does set my soul on fire. This course epitomizes my most deeply heartfelt passion: it provides tools to empower those who are ready to step into their own fully empowered Creatorship to be masters of transformation in the world and bring their own sacred visions to life. Those of you who have joined me for the Taste of I AM Alchemy classes have witnessed my excitement and heard me exclaim how strongly I believe in the teachings and principles of practical magic.

As I participate in this process of Sacred Creatorship, I get to ask myself:

What is this creation asking of me in order to fully actualize?

Right now, I AM Alchemy is asking me to believe enough in myself to know that I can bring this work to life. It is asking me to trust that I have the skills and capacity to deliver this sacred knowledge to the world in an effective way so that it can work its magic. I AM Alchemy is asking me to trust that this work is powerful, accessible and that it makes a difference in people's lives.

Dear Creator, what are your creations asking of you at this time? How can you be fearless in the pursuit of that which sets your soul on fire?

If you want to feel confident, masterful and fully trust yourself as a practitioner...

If you are ready to cultivate a soul-aligned practice that supports your life...

If you are ready to master your intuitive gifts, your training and your craft by mastering your Self...

Apply now for I AM Alchemy.

That which sets your soul on fire is ready to be born.

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Journal/meditation prompts:

What are my creations asking of me at this time?
How can I be fearless in the pursuit of that which sets my soul on fire?