Full Blood Moon Eclipse: Friday, July 27 at 1:22pm PST.
This weekend, we get to enjoy the second of three back-to-back-to-back eclipses, which also happens to be the longest eclipse of the century. For those of us in the PNW, we won't get to appreciate witnessing the eclipse visually, but we can still take some time to bask in the energies and set intentions.
This full moon lunar eclipse takes place in the sign of Aquarius: the revolutionary keeper of the Sacred Vision. As part of our I AM Alchemy retreat, we'll be holding a vision quest ritual for the eclipse. Here are some of the themes we're working with as a class:
- Moving into the Separation stage of Alchemy: stepping back to gain perspective, and separating out the pieces of our sacred inquiry in order to understand and evaluate them all.
- Moving out of the Black Phase (sacred destruction) and into the White Phase of Alchemy (reorganization/reconstruction).
- Working with Eclipse magic: playing with energetic polarity and the role of tension and harmonization of duality.
- Designing powerful rituals to amplify energy and participate actively in the creation process.
- Claiming our roles as Visionary Leaders of our lives and of the world.
- Working with powerful planetary correspondences and alchemical calculations in order to align more intentionally to our primary influences.
I hope that gives you some ideas! If you feel called to join us in working Eclipse Magic, please come meet us in the ethers.
Many blessings and happy Eclipse!