
What is the core purpose of your calling?

What is the core purpose of our calling?

For all of us Soul Aligned humans out there, living "on purpose" is a significant component of our awareness. Whether you're a professional Lightworker Soulpreneur, or a Lightworker spreading love through your life path, awareness of our Sacred Purpose is a compass point we all attune to in order to stay true to our inner North.


...and yet, what is the greater purpose that we serve by following our calling? Does that get lost in the shuffle? If we're tuning in to the compass point of our calling, what is the ultimate "destination?"

Last week I had a conversation with a woman who wanted to put on a workshop around compassionate communication. After listening to her ideas and thoughts, I reflected back to her that I didn't hear a very clear idea of the purpose behind her workshop. She replied with confusion that she would have thought the purpose was obvious: we're all human and it's a good thing to communicate with compassion.

As we discussed further, it became apparent that while she felt the calling of offering her Compassionate Communication workshop, she was not clearly connected to the core purpose that this workshop would serve in the greater context... of her work, and of her own Sacred Purpose. I lead her through an exercise called "For what purpose?" so that she could have a clearer view of not only this individual workshop, but of her work as a puzzle piece within the larger whole.

Lightworker, what is the core purpose of your calling? How do you connect not only with the immediate steps in front of you, but with how this calling serves a purpose beyond you? What is your personal contribution as a piece in the cosmic puzzle?

Having access to this awareness provides us not only with the calling immediately in front of us, but with some context around the ultimate, core purpose of why we are orienting ourselves to this particular North.

Would you like to know exactly where your inner compass is leading you? If you would like to practice the "For what purpose?" exercise, here is the formula and an example:

Our "For what purpose?" formula goes as follows:

  1. Statement A.

  2. Statement A, for what purpose?

  3. Statement A, so that Statement B.

  4. Statement B, for what purpose?

  5. Statement B, so that Statement C.

  6. Statement C, for what purpose?

  7. Statement C, so that Statement D... until you reach the point where there is no higher purpose.

You get the idea. Let me give you an example:

  1. My path is calling me to offer I AM Alchemy: Master Alchemist Training.

  2. My path is calling me to offer I AM Alchemy, for what purpose?

  3. My path is calling me to offer I AM Alchemy so that my students may fully remember and reclaim who they are and trust their innate gifts.

  4. So that my students may fully remember and reclaim who they are and trust their innate gifts, for what purpose?

  5. My students may fully remember and reclaim who they are and trust their innate gifts, so that they can come into their full Self Mastery and Creatorship.

  6. So that my students can come into their full Self Mastery and Creatorship, for what purpose?

  7. My students may come into their full Self Mastery and Creatorship, so that they are empowered to participate in the creation of a New Earth.

  8. So that my students are empowered to participate in the creation of a New Earth, for what purpose?

  9. My students are empowered to participate in the creation of a New Earth, so that all beings on Earth and the Earth herself may be aligned to the frequency of love.

Your turn to try it!

...and I would love to hear from you! If you feel called, please comment once you have completed the exercise and let me know what you discovered in that exercise!

From one Lightworker living "on purpose" to another, keep it up!

Applications for I AM Alchemy are now open. Calling all Lightworkers! Whether you are an existing or aspiring practitioner, healer or coach, or whether you want to spend 12 months walking the Alchemist path as part of your personal journey of Self Mastery... if you want to bring practical application of real-time magic and alignment with Universal forces of creation to your life, I AM Alchemy is for you.

Many blessings,

michelle hawk signature.png

Alchemist: You Are a Visionary Thought Leader

Visionary: A person who has a vision for their world.

Thought Leader: A person who can effectively communicate their vision to others, inspiring them to think differently and planting seeds of change.


Raise your hand if you have a vision, a dream or an idea for what you would like to see in the world.

I thought so.

If you're like me, you have lots of ideas that relate somehow to this grand vision of a better world that lives in your heart. You hold this vision, you're connected to the feeling it gives you and when you think about it, something lights up inside you... something that gives you a little fire in your belly and an urge to move forward into making it a reality.

Alchemy is known as the process of transformation, yet before the Alchemist can begin the journey, they must have a vision for the desired outcome. I can guarantee you that no Alchemist started practicing because they were perfectly content with themselves and the world as it is. One of the principles of Alchemy is rectification: the act of putting something right (or in the case of Alchemy, the process of transmuting something into its highest potential form and elevating its state of being). The path of the Alchemist is one of trusting one's Sacred Vision and in coaxing this form into being through the magic of transformation.

Alchemists as Visionaries

A visionary may or may not know exactly where they're going or what the final result will be like, but they usually have a pretty good idea. An Alchemist knows that the end product of a successful Alchemical operation will be the Philosopher's Stone: an elevated, perfected state of matter and consciousness that will inspire and elevate all that comes into contact with it... But the nature of the Stone is unique to the Alchemist, and thus, a mystery until it manifests.

Alchemy, then, is a practice in holding faith in this Sacred Vision, even if we're not exactly sure what it looks like. Maybe your Sacred Vision is an elevated state of improved health and well-being, maybe it's moving into a different career or supporting your family, maybe it's living internationally. Whatever your Sacred Vision, the more connected you are to knowing and feeling it with every part of your being, the more easily it comes about. And just as with the Philosopher's Stone, the final manifestation of your Vision will be unique to you.

Alchemists as Thought Leaders

This was the idea that interested me most. I modified our working definition from what was given in the workshop, and it feels important to explore it further. Let's break it down:


1. A person who can effectively communicate their vision to others.
I want to emphasize here that "effectively communicate" does not necessarily mean "talk about." Rather, I invite you to consider all other means of communication. What if a vision could be communicated through someone's way of being? What if, rather than talking about the virtues of compassion and the vision of a compassionate world, a Thought Leader simply behaved compassionately? By modeling the behavior and way of being, a Thought Leader can effectively invite others to join them in actualizing the vision.

Alchemy is one of the most secretive, mysterious and deliberately concealed bodies of knowledge. Historically, Alchemists wanted to protect this mystery school from those who would misuse or take advantage of the power available through Alchemy, and protect themselves in the process. Therefore, Alchemical wisdom has traditionally been communicated entirely in metaphor, imagery, indirect teaching and through modeling the practice. While none of this teaching was direct transmission, it was nonetheless effective. Alchemical instruction only very recently shifted to include written works and more straightforward communication.

2. A person who inspires others to think differently.
Consciousness is the root of all creation, and thoughts are the manifestation of our consciousness. If you're familiar with the Law of Attraction, you know that "that which we think about comes about." Let's reverse this: if you take a look at your life, you will have a very good idea of what your thoughts have been leading up to this point. If you don't like what you see when you look around at your world, start by changing your thoughts.

An Alchemist knows that their greatest tool is their own consciousness, and their most effective means of change is to shift the consciousness of not only themselves but of all beings. An Alchemist as a Thought Leader will invite others to create a shift in their thinking that is aligned with a shared Sacred Vision, thus harnessing the collective consciousness to move more easily in a common direction.

3. A person who plants the seeds of change.
We live in an ever-changing world, and the Alchemist is the first to acknowledge and ally themselves with the cycles of transformation. After all, once the Alchemical process is complete, we start again at the beginning. Alchemists plant seeds for change, knowing that even the massive oak tree comes from a tiny acorn. All great changes and worldwide paradigm shifts begin with a seed, just as a bonfire begins with a spark.

When I consider the greater implications of my own Alchemy work and the I AM Alchemy course, the possibilities of this particular Sacred Vision become even more magical. I know the power that comes from being the guardian of a Sacred Vision, and the responsibility that comes from actualizing this vision in the world. Yet, that responsibility is a gift to be honored and enjoyed. As a Visionary Thought Leader, the Alchemist walks the sacred path of seeing to the heart of something and beholding its highest potential, and the most cherished honor of communicating this vision to others, inspiring people to align with this different consciousness and planting the seeds of change for this vision to be born.

Together, we Visionary Thought Leader Alchemists are creating worlds.

If you are ready to access your inner Visionary Thought Leader, then I AM Alchemy is right for you. If you are ready to have clear access to the amazing vision you hold for the world... If you are ready to communicate this vision to others through the power of your being... If you are ready to plant the seeds of magic and change in the hearts of those around you... If you are ready for your magical vision to be born into the world...

Apply now for I AM Alchemy 2020

michelle hawk signature.png

Journal prompt:

What is the Sacred Vision I have for the world?
How can I communicate this vision effectively?
How am I living in alignment with this vision and inviting others to join me in this world?

The Acualization of a Vision

How can a little, gold matchbox symbolize so much?

This past weekend marked the first of three retreats with my I AM Alchemy students. This initiatory weekend involved a fire ceremony, and as part of the ritual items I provided, I had metallic gold matchboxes custom printed with my I AM Alchemy program logo and a special quote.

I love them SO much.

I AM Alchemy

It feels almost over-the-top how much I adore these little matchboxes. I mean... it's just a matchbox, right?

When I shared these sentiments with my mentor, she asked what else the matchboxes might mean to me. I considered for a moment before replying that these matchboxes were the first physical, tangible items produced in relation to my program. Everything thus far has existed as digital material or ideas in my head. In a way, these matchboxes were the first time that I AM Alchemy has had a "body."

As someone who provides the invisible (Spiritual Mentorship and Mastery is a service-based business with almost nothing tangible involved), opening the box to see these beautiful, shiny matchboxes left me feeling a sense of joy, giddiness and childlike pleasure. I took one out and admired the gleam, the quality of the matches, the perfect printing of the logo, the saying I carefully chose...

I AM Alchemy has been in the creation process for at least three years. I have produced various pieces of the material, called it a few different things and generally kept it small as I continued to learn exactly how it wanted to be born. Now that it has finally begun as a year-long, deep-dive journey, these sweet matchboxes feel like a kind of "proof" that it exists! To me, they symbolize the years of inquiry, study, investigation, writing, trying out material, channeling, planning and TRUSTING that this body of knowledge needed to be shared. These matchboxes symbolize every moment of doubt I overcame, every time I wanted to quit and didn't, every tear I shed wondering if I could ever actualize the vision I had for so long. They are evidence to me that I am capable, that I have created something of value and that finally, this program has truly made its way into the world to initiate others into the path.

Yes, they are "just" matchboxes. But it feels SO good to hold the box, admire the golden sheen, and with childlike enjoyment, strike a match and witness a spark igniting to actualize a dream.

Are you interested in participating in I AM Alchemy next year? Get on the wait list for 2019, and you'll be the first to know when I open applications this fall! Plus, receive an Early Bird Bonus!

Journal Prompt:

What vision of mine is ready to actualize? What does it need for that to happen? What do I need for that to happen? What validation do I need to receive to "know" that my vision has truly been born?