Dear Tribe,
Thank you for continuing to ask the Big Questions. You know the ones I mean...
"Who am I?"
"What is my purpose?"
"What the f*** am I doing with my life?"
If you're asking these questions, you're in the right place.
I enjoyed two deep-dive days last weekend with a mentor of mine looking at some of these Big Questions, but honestly, my biggest takeaway wasn't an answer, and it wasn't even a question in itself:
My biggest takeaway was learning WHY I was asking Big Questions.
One of the teachings we visited over the weekend was the 6 Core Drivers of Human Behavior (originally from Tony Robbins). I was already familiar with these drivers, but something landed for me in a new way when I looked at my primary driver: Significance.
"People who are driven by Significance are those who crave Mastery of their lives," my mentor said.
I had always taken for granted my interest in self-inquiry and Self Mastery, but never before put the idea together with an archetypal driver of my behavior that impacts my choices, my world view and how I offer my work in the world.
You see, this weekend I learned that not only do I want to know myself and practice the path of Self Mastery, but:
I want it to matter.
I want my journey to be important and serve other people.
I want the questions I ask myself and the path of self-knowledge to ripple out farther beyond me than I could ever imagine.
I want the path of Self Mastery to be available to all who seek it.
If you are seeking this path of Self Mastery, read on.
"What you seek is seeking you." ~Rumi
I AM: The One Presence, the God Body, Christ Consciousness; the identification, resonance and expression of the Divine Self.
"Know thyself."
You're probably familiar with this idea.
This particular maxim has appeared in many philosophical and literary works throughout the ages. Its roots go back to ancient Greece and the Temple of Apollo at Delphi, although some historians cite origins even earlier in the temples of ancient Egypt. More recently than Socrates and Plato, however, we've seen this aphorism show up in the works of Benjamin Franklin, Ralph Waldo Emerson, Carl Jung and even in The Matrix film series.
The theme of self-knowledge, and therefore, Self Mastery, has been one of the governing quests of humanity, if not the ultimate investigative journey. Who has not wondered about their identity, their sense of Self, and their place in the world? In fact, I can guarantee that, if you are reading this email, you have asked yourself in some form, "Who am I?"
I've been there, too. In fact, I'm there right now.
When I was playing with some ideas last year about the course that has since become I AM Alchemy, I found myself asking a lot of Big Questions, among them:
"What is actually the point of this course? What is the goal?"
"What do I want my students to learn or achieve as a result of this course?"
"...what the heck do I call it???" (Okay, maybe this isn't exactly a "Big Question.")
I meditated on these questions as I considered not only Alchemical philosophy and its role in the modern world, but also my personal values and desires as a facilitator of this body of knowledge. After all, we are not separate from the work we offer, and I knew that any teachings (especially transmissions from such a powerful mystery school) would be coming through the filter of my own sense of Self.
The school of Alchemy is primarily known in popular understanding as the process of turning lead into gold, but most people don't realize that gold is not actually the Alchemist's goal. In addition to producing gold, the end result of a successful Alchemical process is the Philosopher's Stone, or Ultima Materia: the perfected, fully actualized state that symbolizes the union between Above and Below, or the Heavenly and Earthly Selves. In the case of the Alchemist, the Philosopher's Stone is the fully actualized Self: the embodied state of our Divine nature... the I AM.
In other words, Self Mastery is the path of the Alchemist.
I knew when I was developing the course last year, and I was reminded over the weekend as I sat with my driver of Significance: I want my journey to serve others, and I want the path of Self Mastery to be available to all those Lightworkers who seek it.
This was my intention in creating this course, and this is my greatest desire for my students: that they remember who they are as fully actualized, Divine Embodied Beings, and that they identify, resonate and express their own I AM Presence for themselves and for the world.
When I said that I'm right there on the path with you, I meant it. I know that by offering this course in I AM Alchemy, by inviting my students to ask Big Questions, by encouraging them to explore and examine every facet of their lives through the lens of Self Mastery and transformation, by leading them through the fires of change and asking them to trust that they will make it out the other side...
I am asking myself some Big Questions.
I am examining every facet of my life through the lens of Self Mastery and not taking anything for granted.
I am walking voluntarily through the fires of change and watching those parts of my life that were no longer aligned burn to the ground.
I am having to trust my Self and my path more than ever before, even when it's hard. Even when it means stepping away from things I love. Even when the outcome isn't guaranteed, but I know that if I didn't try I would regret it for the rest of my life.
...because, on the other side of that, is my I AM.
This is what I want for my Self.
This is what I want for my students.
This is what I want for you, if you choose it.
If you are ready to step into your own path of Self Mastery, then I AM Alchemy is right for you. If you are ready to have clear access to your fully actualized Self... If you are ready to come into the fullest expression of your Divine Nature... If you are ready to claim your I AM and inspire others to do the same... If you are ready to walk the Earth as a Divine Embodied Being...
Apply now for I AM Alchemy 2020
"What you seek is seeking you." ~Rumi
Journal prompt: