Ley lines

Are you living in chaos?

Do you or your kids have trouble sleeping? Does your home or property feel chaotic? Are your pets nervous, jumpy or reactive? If so, your home probably isn’t anchored and integrated properly with the local land and nature spirits.

Consider the sensibilities of ancient architecture and land-oriented construction (some of this is still practiced in contemporary Earth-based cultures). Structures like the Egyptian and Mesoamerican pyramids, burial mounds, Stonehenge, temples and places of energetic importance were built intentionally aligned to ley lines, solar cycles and the stars. The doors of certain structures faced East, to receive the rising sun. All of these were vitally important factors in deciding where and how to build temples, set up inípis and establish villages, in order to align most beneficially with the Earth grid.

Modern architecture has different priorities. As many homes as possible are squeezed onto tiny lots. Original trees are ripped out to make room for buildings. Mountains are flattened. Waterways are redirected or dammed. Buildings are positioned wherever it is convenient to build, not where they are gracefully aligned and integrated with the existing grid of Earth power. (I won’t even get into the concrete foundations and electrical interferences.)

When we spend so much of our time inside isolated structures that are misaligned and disconnected from the Earth grid, or live in places where the grid has been disrupted through human activity, it is a natural outcome to experience anxiety, insomnia, chaos and dysregulation.

Happily, working with the land and nature spirits to grid and anchor your home can make a big difference. After advising someone about how to connect with local land and nature spirits, she reported a huge shift in her dog’s behavior. “Since I moved to Costa Rica last year, my dog has been very nervous and anxious. When I started making offerings and connecting to the land, she became much more relaxed, and now is confident walking through the jungle with me.” In this case, her dog’s anxiety was not something we were trying to address, but it was one of many beneficial outcomes from her connecting to the Earth grid and building relationships with local nature spirits.

Here are some ways to create more peace, health and relaxation for you, your kids, your pets and your home:

  • Assess the existing Earth grid and ley lines on and around the land where you live, and grid your home to these currents of energy.

  • Locate and connect with/make offerings at local living temples and sacred sites.

  • Connect with the local guardian nature spirits, make prayers and offerings, and ask for their support and blessings.

  • Use altars, plants, crystals and other features in your home to recalibrate your space to the Earth grid and ensure harmonious alignment in your temple.

  • Take your kids on neighborhood nature walks so they can meet the local nature spirits. Teach them how to make offerings and ask for blessings, protection and help so that they feel safe and relaxed.

Do you want to…

  • …create functionally purposeful allyships with local nature spirits to support your spiritual practice?

  • …build lifelong partnerships with powerful natural allies and receive deep initiations into their mysteries?

  • …confidently invoke the nature spirits during your meditation or ceremonial practice?

Sacred Ecology begins July 26. Register now!

What's in the Box?

What's included in the Sacred Ecology curriculum? Check it out:

1. Foundations of Animism

  • What land and nature spirits are

  • Why land and nature spirits are vitally important to animistic practice (shamanism, witchcraft, traditional medicine work)

  • Context and positionality in animistic practice

  • Why your Shamanic work needs to be anchored into Gaia to be most effective

  • Reclaiming and healing indigeneity

2. How to Communicate with Land and Nature Spirits

  • Devotion and collaboration

  • 3 essential types of offerings

  • How to make offerings

  • Receiving messages, signs and communication from nature spirits

3. Temple Planet

  • Geomancy: collaborating with Earth magic

  • Ley lines and the Earth grid

  • Sacred sites, living temples and power portals

  • Guardians and anchor allies

4. Creating a Protectorate

  • What are the Directions and how to work with them

  • How to attune yourself to Gaia's frequency

  • How to cast a protectorate and create temple space

5. Nature Spirit Allies

  • Introduction to nature spirits

  • Embodied and etheric nature spirits

  • Individual, communal and planetary nature spirits

  • Which nature spirits are trying to get your attention and connect with you?

6. Foundations of Ecology

  • Intersection of science and shamanic practice

  • Niches, roles and relationships with other species

  • What is the context of a nature spirit? What role do they play in the ecosystem? What is their medicine?

7. Initiation and Integration

  • Ceremonial initiation with your nature spirit ally

  • How to work with and integrate your ally

  • Working with land and nature spirits in your personal and professional spiritual practice

This course includes:

  • 7 live online classes, each including training, hands-on exercises and integration prompts.

  • Ceremonial initiation with your new nature spirit ally.

  • Private online community for resources and connection.

  • Upgrade option: Add three discounted 1:1 sessions with Michelle for personalized support and mentorship.

Use this code for $100 off at checkout: EB100SE

Early Bird expires July 1! Register now to claim your discount.

Attn: Retreat Leaders and Ceremony Facilitators

Retreat leaders and ceremonial facilitators: if you are not connecting with the land and nature spirits before your clients arrive, you are making your work more difficult and your clients’ experience less powerful than it could be.

I’m sure you’re great at leading retreats and holding ceremonies. You probably clear the space before your clients arrive, and maybe set up an altar. That’s a good start, but it’s not enough. Anchoring your retreat or ceremony with the local land and nature spirits is one of those things where you don’t think it matters until you do it, and then you realize what a huge difference it makes.

A shamanic practitioner friend of mine attended a retreat in Guatemala, and while she enjoyed the retreat activities, she felt like there was something missing. She told me, “The land never let me in while I was there. It was beautiful, but it was like looking at a pretty postcard. I couldn’t actually feel it like I’m used to.”

I am acquainted with the facilitators of the retreat she attended, and I am fairly certain that they did not anchor into the land and Earth grid before everyone arrived. (These people are great at what they do, but they are not well trained in shamanic practice.) Most people probably never would have consciously noticed, but my friend is a highly skilled and sensitive practitioner, and she felt the disconnect.

Even though most of your retreat or ceremony participants might not consciously notice the disconnect, they will feel it on the subtle level. So much of the work at retreats and ceremony takes place in the subtle realms. We cannot ignore the impact this has on the experience.

Here are some of the things that can go wrong if your retreat or ceremony isn’t connected to the land and nature spirits:

  • Participants have more trouble grounding and regulating their energy. People are more likely to feel tired, triggered, and depleted. Participants may not sleep well, are more likely to develop colds or “ascension flu” symptoms and may be generally more uncomfortable or agitated.

  • You (and your team/co-facilitators) will have to work harder to hold the container. Participants may need more personal attention from you and you will be depleting more of your personal energy to anchor the field. You are more likely to feel depleted during and after the event.

  • There will be a higher risk of unwelcome energies and potentially harmful entities, especially if practicing medicine work, channeling and mediumship. There may be more need for energetic “heavy lifts,” such as entity extractions and psychic surgery.

  • Since your clients will be working harder to ground and regulate themselves on the subtle level, less of their personal energy will be available for deep work. They will probably have some epiphanies and enjoy themselves (because you’re a great retreat facilitator), but they might be left feeling like there’s a piece missing, or like your retreat was great, but not amazing.

Here are some of the ways that connecting to the land and nature spirits can help your retreat or ceremony be even more impactful and beneficial:

  • When you anchor into the land, you are resourcing your practice from the Earth grid and you have the blessing of the local nature spirits to do your work. Participants are more likely to sleep well, feel resourced, have an easier time grounding and regulating their energy and feel connected to their inner wisdom.

  • You and your team will not have to work as hard to anchor the field, because the land and nature spirits will help you do that. More of your personal energy will be available to support your clients and help them have an amazing experience, and you will feel more resourced and supported as you do that.

  • While there is always the potential that unwelcome energies and entities might show up, that risk is much lower when your work is anchored in with the land and nature spirits. Nature spirits are naturally immune to many harmful entities and they will support your ceremony field in staying clear and healthy.

  • Since your participants will be so supported by the land and nature spirits, more of their subtle energy will be available for creativity, inspiration, intuition and deep healing work. They are more likely to gel as a group and form positive connections with each other. Their nervous systems will have more regulation support, so they will likely have more “aha!” moments and be able to bounce back more easily in the case of triggers or overwhelm. Attendees are more likely to walk away from your event feeling full, radiant, and like they had an amazing experience.

Your retreats and ceremonies can go from “great, but something is missing” to “OMG amazing and impactful.”

Do you want to learn how to connect with the local land and nature spirits, to support your retreats and ceremonies?

Sacred Ecology begins July 26.

This course includes:

  • 7 live online classes, each including training, hands-on exercises and integration prompts.

  • Ceremonial initiation with your new nature spirit ally.

  • Private online community for resources and connection.

  • Upgrade option: Add three discounted 1:1 sessions with Michelle for personalized support and mentorship.

Use this code for $100 off at checkout: EB100SE

Early Bird expires July 1! Register now to claim your discount.

Safety and Protection in Home and Temple Space

If you don’t have active, working relationships with local land and nature spirits, you are missing a big component of safety and protection in your home, temple, and ceremonial space.

You know that energetic safety and psychic protection are important in healing and ceremonial work. You probably have some great tools for clearing energy, invoking angels and casting a circle of light. Maybe you have some nice altars set up with salt and tourmaline.

But did you know that your biggest, most immediate allies in safety and protection are the local land and nature spirits?

There are plenty of yucky entities and energies that can be drawn to your home or temple space, particularly if you’re doing deep healing or shadow work, hosting medicine ceremonies or practicing channeling and mediumship. Mocking spirits, parasitic entities, vicious spirits, walk-ins, hungry ghosts, soul fragments, vampiric energies, distortion fields, egregores, unprocessed trauma, or even psychic attacks from another person: we know these entities exist in the world and practicing energy work carries the inherent risk of inviting more of them into our lives. But if your protection practices aren’t 100% solid, these entities will hang out in your space and your energy field. Best case scenario, they feel sludgy and make you tired. Worst case scenario, they will f* you up, and f* up your life.

Why are land and nature spirits the best allies for protection?

  • Most of the energies I listed above originate from or feed on warped human ego projections. Land and nature spirits don’t have human ego projections, so they are simply immune to these entities. Their immunity comes from innocence. Nature spirits connect us with our own, primal nature and innocence. They help us become immune.

  • Even though land and nature spirits are immune, they still don’t like the harmful distortions the entities cause, so land and natures spirits may intervene to either get rid of the entities or compost them. Gaia is great at composting old, decaying or discarded energy and turning it into something fertile and healthy.

  • Land and nature spirits can be more effective than angels or etheric guides for safety and protection because they are actually embodied on the physical plane. Angels and etheric guides are great, but they have no material correspondence on Earth. Land and nature spirits are anchored into bioforms, and on Earth, matter matters.

  • Having active, working relationships with land and nature spirits and anchoring your home or temple space into the Earth grid means that you are less likely to attract harmful entities in the first place. Gaia is a living temple planet, and when your sacred space is integrated with hers, you are under her protection.

But here’s the thing: in order to receive the safety and protection of the land and nature spirits, you have to ask for help. They won’t just automatically protect you. You must have an active, working relationship with the land and nature spirits, and you must invoke them as allies.

Do you want to collaborate with the living temple of Gaia to create sacred space in your home and ceremonial circles?

Do you want to communicate with powerful allies so you can learn from their wisdom and receive their support and protection?

Do you want to learn how to work with land and nature spirits?

Sacred Ecology begins July 26.

This course includes:

  • 7 live online classes, each including training, hands-on exercises and integration prompts.

  • Ceremonial initiation with your new nature spirit ally.

  • Private online community for resources and connection.

  • Upgrade option: Add three discounted 1:1 sessions with Michelle for personalized support and mentorship.

Early Bird pricing ends July 1. Use this code at checkout for $100 off: EB100SE