Sacred Plant Medicine

Integrity and Multi-Lineage Practice

Good medicine travels. It always has.

The proliferation, adaptation and syncretization of spiritual practices, belief systems, therapeutic and medicinal practices has occurred throughout human history. Taoism was strongly influenced by Buddhism. Mystics and spiritual practitioners traveled across the Himalayas and shared practices and ideas. Western Alchemy, which began in Ancient Egypt, spread throughout Alexandria, impacted and majorly influenced Greek philosophy, spread through the Arabic world and experienced its heyday in Europe. Eastern Alchemy arose out of Taoism, and spread throughout Asia to join with the Alchemical texts in the library of Alexandria. The spread of spiritual practice and philosophy is not a new phenomenon, despite the recent surge in globalization of spiritual practice through ease of travel and the internet.

There are many paths to the top of the mountain, and all different traditions that abide by universal truth ultimately work with the same archetypal frequencies under the same set of universal laws. Of course there are differences in how these truths manifest according to the geographic/climatic/ecosystemic and cultural context, but the core archetypal frequencies are the same.

For example, the same deities appear in different cultures under different names: Athena in the Greek tradition is syncretized with Brigid in Celtic tradition, Iansã in Afro-Brazilian traditions such as Umbanda and Santería, and Oyá in Yoruba. Each of her faces is represented differently. She is honored in different ways according to the cultural context of different groups of people, on different feast days, with different offerings and songs. But the core archetypal frequency of her medicine is the same across traditions, and she appears to people all over the world to deliver her medicine, no matter what name they call her.

I’ve been reflecting on spiritual globalization more than usual lately in relation both to my own mixed lineages, and those of my students and clients. As a modern, western Shaman living in the United States, supporting people all over the world, the question of integrity in holding multiple lineages is vitally important and has always been part of my awareness. But recently, there seems to have been another surge in cries of cultural appropriation. I welcome the opportunity to reflect on integrity in my practice, how to support my students and clients in the most ethical, aligned way that honors and respects the lineages I hold, the traditions they come from, and support my clients in their aligned, integrous, multi-lineage practices.

I am a person of mixed, but mostly white, European heritage. My ancestry includes indigenous people from the Celtic nations, nomadic horse tribes from the Eurasian steppe, as well as colonizing people from England and France who came to North America. I am a Shaman and spiritual practitioner who holds multiple lineages. My primary Shamanic lineage comes from the Shaman Clan Baksa of what is now Hungary, but those people migrated from Siberia thousands of years ago, following the reindeer across the continent as the ice receded after the most recent glacial era. Additionally, I hold lineages from the Celtic tradition, Western and Eastern Alchemy, and Dragon lineages. These are the lineages I hold and have been initiated into, but I have learned from and studied many others. I have lived in the US most of my life and studied with Turtle Island indigenous teachers from different tribes. I have worked with teachers and lineages from South America, including the Huni Kuin people of the Brazilian Amazon, practitioners trained in Umbandaime and Santo Daime, Templo Ampiri and Shipibo lineages, to name a few.

My clients and students are also usually multi-heritage, multi-lineage people who have either already studied from several different traditions, or they have come into their spiritual or Shamanic awakening and want to do so with integrity. My clients sometimes feel trepidation because they don’t want to unintentionally hurt anyone’s feelings or be accused of cultural appropriation. As one recent consultation told me, “I don’t want to be that middle-aged white person saying, ‘I’m a Shaman.’”

Here’s the thing: Spiritual practice is universal. Animism is universal. Shamanism is universal (despite the seemingly common, erroneous belief that it’s only Native American or Siberian people who can practice Shamanism). And the vast majority of spiritual practices that we see expressed in the modern world are not “pure,” meaning that they most likely have been influenced by other practices, or even adopted traditions or ideas from other lineages sometime in the last several thousand years.

I take ethics and integrity in my practice very seriously, and I think there’s a fine line between honoring the traditions of a given spiritual practice, and perhaps misplaced dogmatic purism.

The reality of spiritual practice in the modern world is that the vast majority of practitioners will work with multiple lineages, or hold practices that have integrated influences from other traditions. This is especially true in countries with high populations of people from mixed cultural backgrounds, such as the US, but also true even in remote areas of the world. The person who studies yoga (originally from India) also studies Reiki (originally from Japan) also works with sound healing (from many different traditions) also has an altar to Mother Mary (Christian mysticism) and Sekhmet (ancient Egypt) and a medicine wheel (many different indigenous cultures all over the world) in their backyard. The Sweden-born practitioner raised in Germany studies TCM (traditional Chinese medicine). The Mexican-born healer will not only study curanderismo from their grandmother, but come to the US and get their massage license. The indigenous paje (medicine person) in the Brazilian Amazon serves indigenous medicine, plays African rhythms on African style drums, plays European guitars, sings medicine songs in multiple languages, and makes their beautiful beadwork from Italian glass beads purchased with US dollars.

Yes, spiritual globalization and the travel of good medicine is as old as humanity itself. I believe wholeheartedly that when done with care and devotion, it is appropriate and beautiful to study and hold multiple lineages of practice from different traditions. I believe that our study, appreciation and honoring of spiritual practices from around the world supports greater empathy, respect, and global community between different cultures and groups of people. I believe that people grow, mature and become more loving and compassionate through exposure to ideas, traditions and beliefs from many traditions. I believe that it is possible to approach more than one spiritual tradition with deep devotion, reverence and to receive initiations responsibly.

I also have seen firsthand that there are people in the world who do not do this responsibly, who have created a business under the guise of spiritual service, and profit off of their misrepresentation of lineages that they have not properly studied. There are people who are “spiritual tourists,” who take a weekend workshop and immediately turn around to regurgitate these teachings for a profit. There are people who consume spiritual teachings and then present them as their own, with no acknowledgment to their teachers or to the lineages from which they came.

I understand why people get upset when they see (or think they see) instances of cultural appropriation. There are definitely examples of this in the world, and plenty of people who are out of integrity with this. I occasionally hear from internet trolls who call me a “plastic shaman” because I’m white and I charge money for my Shamanic work, or they say I can’t be a Shaman because I’m not Native American, or all sorts of other things. Even though it’s annoying, I offer the benefit of the doubt that people are saying something because they’re concerned about potential harm caused, or that I might be taking advantage of indigenous people, and I’m able to come back to my compassion and care and remember that they don’t know anything about me, and they just see another white person calling themselves a Shaman.

I understand when people cry cultural appropriation because of their care and concern, particularly for historically marginalized populations (usually BIPOC people). When possible, I try to engage with these people in a conversation about my Shamanic practice, and address their concerns respectfully. Sadly, most of the time, people are not actually open to any discussion about this. They don’t want to hear that I’ve been studying and practicing Shamanism since 2003, and have apprenticed with my current teacher since 2009. They’re not interested in considering the possibility of healthy and responsible spiritual globalization.

I’m not saying this in any kind of “oh poor me” way. I really don’t care what these people think of me. But what I do care about deeply is how this close-mindedness potentially inhibits the healthy and positive sharing and collective appreciation of different traditions and cultures. I am concerned because of all of the people who might be going through a spiritual or shamanic awakening, but might be too intimidated to pursue training and study because they’re afraid of getting called out. I worry that the shadow side of this attitude is another form of rigid, dogmatic purism that says these spiritual teachings are only for a select group of people, and criticizes anyone who might simply be looking for help through a challenging time, or discourages someone who wants to step into service to their community.

As a multi-heritage, multi-lineage Shaman and spiritual practitioner, I know that there are many paths that all work with the same universal truths. I have walked several of these paths for many years and become very masterful in these realms. Some paths I will never walk in this lifetime, but I respect and appreciate their wisdom. I trust that all people will find the paths that are right for them, and I am committed to guiding those who come to me in the most aligned, respectful and integrous way as they explore how the truth of universal law comes alive through them.

Are you a multi-lineage practitioner?

Are you going through a Shamanic awakening?

Do you want to receive healing, training and support from a master healer and teacher who gets it?

Hi! I’m Michelle Hawk— Shaman, Alchemist, master healer and spiritual mentor. I’ve been studying and practicing Shamanism and other forms of healing work and spiritual practice since 2003.

I am opening spaces for new clients to come into 1:1 work with me!

***There are no prerequisites for working 1:1 with me. I work with advanced practitioners who have years of training and study and want personal support for themselves and their work. I work with new and aspiring healers and practitioners who want support in foundational skill development and processing their awakening. I work with spiritual seekers who are not practitioners and want powerful tools for their own healing and transformation.***

This work is for you if:

  • You’ve been studying energy healing or various modalities for a long time but it feels like something’s missing. You want to go beyond the certifications and modalities to anchor into your personal gifts and authentic magic.

  • You are committed to your personal growth and development. You want practical spiritual tools in your personal tool kit that are more than guided meditations.

  • You are going through a big life transformation and you want practical support to help you process, stay grounded and feel present/connected to your inner wisdom through the transition.

  • You are a practitioner, healer, therapist, coach or medical provider. You have been “in the closet” about your Shamanic, intuitive or magical self, and you are ready to stop hiding and start sharing this aspect of your practice.

  • You feel alone on your path, you don’t have any spiritual community and you want to be able to talk and process with someone who doesn’t think you’re bonkers.

  • You want support from a grounded spiritual mentor who has been on this path for a long time, who can help you see what you might be missing and give you specific tools, teachings and guidance that is aligned for you as you grow and transform.

If any of this sounds like you, I invite you to step into 1:1 work with me.

Our sessions together may include some combination of the following:

  • Shamanic and energy healing work.

  • Teaching and instruction about specific principles and tools of spiritual practice from Shamanism, Alchemy, and other lineages.

  • Shamanic journeying, intuitive and mediumship practice to connect with the spirits for guidance and healing.

  • Personal ritual or ceremony.

  • Learning and practicing embodiment and movement work, consciousness practices, energetic techniques.

  • Personal guidance, processing, support and reflection.

  • Working with your spiritual business or soul-aligned practice (designing your new program, making a retreat budget, updating your website and your intake forms).

With Transformational Mentorship, you get me in your corner for 6 months of personal support. Check out all the details here, and when you’re ready, book a call with me to discuss if this work is the right fit for you!

You can also book an in-person 1:1 retreat with me at my temple home on sacred forested land just outside of Portland, OR! Book a call with me to discuss your personal retreat.

If you’re ready to take inspired action on your healing and transformation journey…

If you’re reading this email and thinking “Yes, that’s me”…

If you want me in your corner for personal support and guidance…

Use this link to put yourself on my calendar.

I look forward to speaking with you soon!

Your Spiritual Growth and Education in 2024

Happy Gregorian new year, friends and like-hearted seekers!

If you're taking the opportunity to vision, set goals and orient yourself for the year ahead, good for you! (If not, that's fine, too.)

If you're like me, you probably have a few courses or retreats on your radar that you would love to do, but need to plan, schedule and budget for.

Now is a great time to set goals and intentions for spiritual growth and skill development in conjunction with year planning.

Here are some helpful things to consider. Ask yourself:

  1. What are my priorities for my spiritual path this year? (For example: skill development and certification in a particular modality, personalized 1:1 mentorship with a teacher, sample from a buffet of different modalities, get your personal practice really dialed in, etc.)

  2. What training, education, support and/or mentorship would be most supportive for me to address those priorities? (For example: go on that retreat, work with that teacher you've been following for years, take lots of mini courses, etc.)

  3. What prerequisites and preparation do I need to pursue those priorities? (For example: are there certain courses that require prerequisites? Is there advance preparation required for a retreat?)

  4. What commitment of time and energy am I willing to allocate to my spiritual priorities this year? (This can be flexible as necessary, but it's helpful to realistically assess your availability and be honest with yourself about your capacity. For example: take a year-long course and devote up to 5 hours per week to study and practice, take a 7-week course in the fall when kids go back to school, go on a 10-day retreat once a year, 10 minutes of daily personal practice, etc.)

  5. What is my budget for my spiritual priorities this year? (This can be flexible as necessary, but I have found it to be helpful especially when planning for higher-investment training, retreats, mentorship and tuition. I have a continuing education budget in my business and consistently spend 5-10% of my gross income on courses, skill development and healing work for my own spiritual practice and so that I can grow as a practitioner and serve my clients more effectively. For example: you want to take a course that costs $15k but offers monthly payments that work for your budget, you can comfortably spend $200 per month attending local events and circles, you set aside $50 per month in your budget to take that $400 course, etc.)

  6. What deadlines, prices and scheduling/3D logistical information do I need to track this year? (For example: the course you want to take begins in September and costs $X, so you need to look for early bird registration starting in July and allocate $Y in your monthly budget so you're ready to pay in full, and block the October retreat dates off in your calendar and request time off from work for that long weekend.)

I regularly consider and review these questions when deciding how to plan and where to invest in my spiritual path and skill development. I hope this helps you!

Is working with me on your radar for 2024?

Here are some of the ways you can work with me this year for your path, spiritual mentorship, continuing education and skill development:

1:1 Transformational Mentorship

  • Topics and skills: Personalized mentorship and healing work for your spiritual path. Includes energy healing work, developing your unique spiritual and intuitive gifts, personal practice, movement and sound, support for your spiritual and/or healing business practice. Includes training as needed from my many bodies of knowledge, including energetic mastery, shamanic practice, mediumship, Alchemy and more.

  • Prerequisites and preparation: None required.

  • Time commitment: 2 sessions per month for 6 months, plus personal practice, homework and integration between sessions (average 3-7 hours per week).

  • Budget: Pay in full $4500 or six monthly payments of $797.

  • 3D considerations: Rolling enrollment according to vacancies in my calendar (apply anytime). Consultation and application required. Sessions are virtual or in-person near Portland, OR.


I AM Alchemy

  • Topics and skills: Shamanic Alchemy apprenticeship. "Spiritual grad school." Includes online curriculum, live group classes, 1:1 mentorship sessions* and four 4-day, in-person retreats* (*with Apprentice Path).

  • Prerequisites and preparation: For people of intermediate to advanced spiritual background. Recommended that candidates have foundations of energy healing and personal practice.

  • Time commitment: 3-6 hours per week for one year, plus four 4-day, in-person retreats*.

  • Budget: Student path (classes only) $3197. Apprentice path (classes, 1:1 sessions and retreats) $9497 plus retreat lodging and travel to and from retreats. Payment plans available.

  • 3D considerations: begins March 17, 2024. Closed cohort (enrolls once a year), accepting applications now. Year-long apprenticeship. In-person retreats held near Portland, OR. Fly into PDX. Consultation and application required.


Dragon Initiation

  • Topics and skills: Initiation into the Sapphire Dragon Line. Includes supplementary training and transmissions from the Dragons.

  • Prerequisites and preparation: The Dragons have been calling you and guiding you to this initiation.

  • Time commitment: 3-day in-person retreat plus three 1:1 sessions, to be completed within 6 weeks.

  • Budget: $4500 plus lodging for retreat, travel to and from retreat. Payment plan available.

  • 3D considerations: Rolling enrollment (apply anytime). Consultation and application required. Retreats held near Portland, OR. Fly into PDX.


Sacred Ecology

  • Topics and skills: How to work with land and nature spirits, Shamanic practice, geomancy, foundations of ecology.

  • Prerequisites and preparation: None required.

  • Time commitment: Seven weekly 90 minute classes, plus optional 1:1 sessions.

  • Budget: $777 (classes only) or $1697 (classes plus 1:1 sessions). Payment plans available.

  • 3D considerations: Closed cohort (enrolls once a year). Begins May 2024, Early Bird enrollment and discount begins April 2024. Online course, optional 1:1 sessions held virtually.

Personal Retreat

  • Topics and skills: Add an in-person 1:1 retreat to our work together. Includes energy healing work, qigong and movement practice, shamanic journey, nature time, support for your spiritual and/or healing business practice. Includes training as needed from my many bodies of knowledge, including energetic mastery, shamanic practice, mediumship, Alchemy and more.

  • Prerequisites and preparation: 1:1 mentorship with me.

  • Time commitment: 3 or 4-day in-person retreat.

  • Budget: $3600-$4500 plus lodging for retreat, travel to and from retreat. Payment plan available.

  • 3D considerations: Rolling enrollment, add personal retreats to other work with me for personal healing and mentorship work. Retreats held near Portland, OR. Fly into PDX.

Best wishes for your spiritual growth and skill development in 2024!

Archangel Michael and Dragons

Last weekend I incorporated Archangel Michael and a Dragon in immediate succession with each other. I don’t say that lightly.

My guides have directed me to share this story with you for the purpose of offering a healing and coded transmission about correcting distortions through the collective consciousness. (Otherwise, I probably wouldn’t write about it, due to privacy and respect for the beings I work with.) I invite you to allow this to flow through you and trust that you will receive whatever you need from this message.

In case you’re new to the idea of incorporation mediumship, here’s a brief teaching: mediumship is the practice of communicating with and being a psychic conduit to the spirits. Incorporation mediumship means allowing the spirits to enter and incorporate into a channel’s physical body. This is a very powerful process that allows spirits to come work directly through the channel—to speak, to dance, to offer healing work and transmissions. Depending on the skill of the channel and on the beings present, this can be very beautiful and healing, very uncomfortable and/or very dangerous. This is not a beginner practice.

I have been practicing mediumship for many years, and am very confident in my ability to safely incorporate spirits that pass the inner “checklist:” Is this a divine being who abides by the laws of sovereignty, free will, love and reverence for life? Is this being here for the purpose of guidance, illumination and healing? If yes, then we proceed.

Last weekend I co-facilitated a sacred plant medicine ceremony. (More on that and an “official” announcement coming soon—for now, if you’re interested in getting news and invitations about my sacred plant medicine practice, join that list here.)

During the first night, one of the participants started to struggle and requested support. I approached them to help, and moments later, the force of the medicine in the entire room increased exponentially. My hands flew back as if I had been shocked, and immediately, a massive light being, bigger and more powerful than I had ever experienced before, incorporated into my body. Even now as I type this, the energy of it is once again electrifying my skin and all the hair on my arms is standing up.

At the time, I only knew that this massive, divine being was there to help. I wasn’t yet aware of its identity but I knew clearly that it was aligned with divine law, and was offering support. I felt colossal waves of power rolling through my body as it facilitated a major extraction and clearing on behalf of the participant.

At some point, the energy shifted as the participant made a crucial choice towards love and healing. The first massive being left my body and was replaced by an equally enormous being who I clearly identified as a Dragon. The Dragon supported the participant in recalibrating to love and reconnecting with the womb of creation. The energy of this Dragon was pure, primal love and raw Gaia power.

Things with the participant continued to shift and ease. They later described this experience as the best moment of their life.

After ceremony closed, I reflected on the experience and wondered who the being was that had incorporated at the beginning of the extraction. “I feel like it was an angel,” I said to my co-facilitator, and immediately felt the truth of that. “I think it was Archangel Michael.” Again, immediate truth and confirmation. “Seriously, that was Archangel Michael?? No wonder it was so big.”

As I’ve reflected on and integrated this very powerful incorporation mediumship experience, my guides brought some things to my attention that they wanted me to share with you. Here you go:

There is a tremendous distortion field in our collective consciousness around the Angelic Court, Archangel Michael specifically, Dragons in general, and the relationship between Dragons and Angels.

Dragons have long been vilified through the oppressive, patriarchal systems within organized religion as standing for evil, primitive consciousness, temptation, falling from grace and the Devil. Dragons have been cast as villains, embodiments of greed and sin, violence and harm.

Nothing could be farther from the truth. Dragons are beings of primal Earth power, love, creation and transformation. Dragons weave currents of magic and aliveness through Gaia. Dragons love and hold deep reverence for life, truth, compassion and right relation.

Archangel Michael has his own distortion fields in collective consciousness, although these are less obvious. He has been cast as a figurehead of divine law, soldier of God, warrior Archangel of righteousness, slayer of demons. He is depicted in many works of art and literature as slaying Dragons and conquering the Devil.

Yes, Archangel Michael is a warrior of Divine Law. But these are laws of love, truth, sovereignty, integrity and creation. These are laws of mercy, compassion and right relation.

The distortion fields created by systems of oppression are designed to cast Archangel Michael as the hero of Heaven and Dragons as agents of the Devil, and yet the reality is that they both abide by the same laws of love and truth. Archangel Michael stands in for Divine Law from the Above—the celestial realms, the One Mind, the organization and architecture of creation. Dragons embody Divine Law from the Below—the realms of Inner Earth, the One Thing, the Void, the fertile potential and prima materia (first matter) of creation.

In offering healing to this ceremony participant, both Archangel Michael and the Dragons were needed. Archangel Michael supported the extraction and clearing of shadow. The Dragons supported the restoration and rectification to love and creation. Their medicine combined was more than the sum of its parts: they offered a complete healing and helped this person find their way back to the Sacred within themself.

I invite you to take a few minutes to feel the truth of this transmission in your heart and see what arises for you. Are there distortion fields asking to be cleared? Is there new inspiration for your connection to the realms of Divine Law and Creation?

Thank you, thank you thank you so much to Archangel Michael and the Dragons. We are so grateful for the blessings.