Yesterday during a healing session, I offered my client a Shamanic journey to connect with one of their animal guides.
The journey was very beautiful, and the animal guide came through very strongly. It told me about some of the medicine that it wanted to share with my client, and *wow.*
After the journey, I told my client which animal guide had emerged. “Huh, that’s surprising,” they said. “I never in a million years would have guessed that.”
The guide who stepped forward was an ocean animal, and my client shared that they didn’t really resonate with the ocean. “I’m more of a desert and forest person.”
“Let’s see how this guide wants to support you,” I told my client. I guided my client through a journey to connect with their guide, and I journeyed simultaneously to receive more information and transmissions about the medicine this guide was offering.
My client surfaced from the journey with new appreciation for this guide. They told me what the guide had shared with them, and how it perfectly related to their current life circumstances.
Then I shared with my client what the guide had shown me regarding its medicine, and my client ended up in tears. “That’s exactly what I feel like! Yes, I definitely need that. That is f***in rad.”
All of this to say —
The medicine we need most might surprise us.
Some of the deepest, most powerful lessons and support can come from areas of our lives where we feel less familiar or comfortable.
Are you ready for your medicine to surprise you?
Are you open to powerful lessons and support from unexpected sources?
Are you called to work with powerful spiritual forces for the purpose of guidance, illumination and healing?