
It's actually not about you (or me)

One of the most important reasons to take the Sacred Ecology course is not about you at all.

Most marketing focuses on selling the "selfish" benefits, and there are a lot of "selfish" reasons why you might take this course. (There is absolutely nothing wrong with these reasons. I’ve been publishing a lot of articles lately about this. Take a look at those emails for some great ways this course would benefit you directly.)

But studying Sacred Ecology is inherently an act of revolutionary generosity, because it decenters you as an individual. It even decenters humans as a species.

Instead, it centers the local ecosystem. It centers relationships. It centers consent, context and collaboration. It centers Gaia and her magic.

Something beautiful comes from decentering the self. This inherently goes against all of the toxic conditioning and foundation of modern, western culture (especially in the US) which is based on individualism and this weird fetishization of selfishness. My rights. Look out for #1. Selfies. Endless navel-gazing and pathologizing and self-diagnosing and therapizing and making it all about me, me, me.

How lonely. How small. How inherently blind.

But what happens when we decenter ourselves? What happens when we devote ourselves to becoming students and stewards of life? What happens when we make offerings to the nature spirits, and to Gaia? What happens when we show up to be curious and generous, rather than to consume?

How connected we become. How expansive. How loving.

Decentering the self goes against everything we are trained to embody. Decentering the self requires empathy and compassion. It helps us remember that life is living through us, just as it is living through all things. It helps us to be generous. It helps us to remember that we belong. You belong to life, and life loves you.

Don’t take this course because it will benefit you.

Take this course because it will benefit Gaia.

Take this course because it will benefit the animals, plants, microbes and mycelia.

Take this course as an act of revolution. Take this course to crack the toxic foundation of entitled consumption that holds up systems of oppression and treats the Earth like garbage.

Take this course because you love life. By that I don’t mean your life specifically. Take this course because you love that life exists, and you want to serve life. Take this course because you love that consciousness has manifested in the incarnate. Take this course because you love that so many different bioforms have evolved over millennia to cooperate and live in concert with each other. Take this course because you love that plants eat sunlight and trees sing to each other through the mycelial network. Take this course because you love that elephant matriarchs remember for decades where to find water and pass this knowledge down to their daughters and granddaughters. Take this course because you love the song of the red-winged blackbird.

I promise that this course will benefit you. This training will support your personal practice, your health, your relationships, your work, your home, your family. But it will support so much more than you and your immediate surroundings. By taking this course, you are serving this gorgeous living temple planet and all her children.

Are you ready to collaborate with land and nature spirit allies?

Sacred Ecology begins July 26. Register now!